Modelling can be a great career and many people aspire to have a go at it.
However, there are a lot of attributes you need to have in order to join the ranks of female models or to try your hand at male modelling
First and foremost, you obviously need the right look. This can differ depending on the type of modelling you want to engage in, but if you lack the right appearance, this form of work is not for you.
And just as important as your looks is your mental approach. If you do not possess the right attitude for the role, you will not go far in your career.
You must be able to aim high yet be prepared to fail and always put 100 per cent into your shoots.
Being a model
is hard work and you have to be reliable and willing to learn in order to get better at it.
Also, you need to be able to take directions and come up with your own ideas about what is happening.
In order to impress those working with you, you also need to realise that the shoots are not about you. You are playing a role in a much wider project and you need to do it well.
Meanwhile, it is vital that you are able to take rejection.
Because of the competitive nature of the industry, you are by no means guaranteed to always be selected for roles and you have to accept this and move on.